150th Celebrations
During our celebrations we shall be joined from time to time by three former ministers, Dick Heafield, Irving Penberthy and Eric Jones. We hope to use Chapel Cottage as a 'Museum' at the end of May.
At the end of the year an announcement in CONTACT states 'The Church loses its gardener ater 25 years'. Bert Lukehurst will be hanging up his gardening gloves and lawnmower at the end of December.
1995 As the New Year gets under way our Property Stewards have itchy fingers once again. Following numerous complaints regarding our toilet facilities, they have come up with a plan whereby we could have 'Inside Loos' by building an extension where the Boys' Brigade cabin stands at present. A shower unit will be incorporated to cater for any groups staying over weekends.
This is a project which will be of great benefit to our Church and it is part of our vision to ensure that Methodism continues to grow in Somerton for the next 150 years.
(The Methodist Church Cottage – badly in need of repair)
The focal point in the life of a Church is when the whole family meets together on Sunday for corporate worship. A family, it must be remembered, is made up of a wide variety of people and personalities, of all ages, each bringing with them their own hopes, fears, joys, sadness, successes, failures, etc. - whatever is most important to them at that particular time.
When the church family worship together, as the living, breathing, Body of Christ, everyone has the opportunity to
Acknowledge that God IS , the one true God, who is worthy of respect, adoration, praise and thanksgiving.
Open their hearts and minds to Jesus, and accept His love and forgiveness into their lives.
Learn more about God's purposes for His world and its peoples - in particular their Church and themselves.
Offer their whole lives to God to be used in serving Him and other people.
Receive a blessing, given by the Holy Spirit which will enable them to grow and develop in the Christian way of Life and so encourage others to join the family.
There are many and various ways in which these opportunities can be given during an act of worship and we endeavour in our church to keep a balance between using the traditional ways as well as exploring new ones.
This is done by ensuring that we have a balanced approach to those planned to lead our worship, who are made aware that members of the congregation are willing to share in its presentation.
Music and singing is an important part of our worship, with a small group leading an informal sing-song at the very beginning of the Service. The Singing Group which meets on alternate Friday evenings plays an important part in Special Services as well as presenting complete works. Here again a balance is held between traditional and modern hymns and songs. All are welcome to join these groups.
- It is essential that children and young people have the same opportunities as the adults and the 'Partners in Learning' resource book for all ages used by the Junior Church helps in this respect, as does the fact that all ages now have the opportunity to share fully in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
- The Worship Group meets regularly, on behalf of the Church to discuss all aspects of worship as well as planning services with set themes - sometimes to cover a number of weeks, e.g. Advent/Lent. This group is made up of our Local Preachers, Stewards and Music-makers but can be extended to include anyone who is keenly interested in this aspect of the life of our Church.
Someone once said that on occasions in worship, they felt like a goldfish in a glass bowl of water, swimming endlessly round and round, seemingly going nowhere but if they weren't in the water
Women began meeting at Somerton Methodist Church in Fellowship in 1940, when their group was called The Bright Hour; becoming the Women's Fellowship in 1963.
The Women's Fellowship Meeting is thriving at Somerton. We meet on alternate Wednesday afternoons with an average attendance of 25 ladies; one of which is Mrs Olive Law, who was one of the founder Members of the Bright Hour - 55 years ago.
Several of the ladies who attend our meeting are Members of other churches in Somerton, but we join together in a true ecumenical spirit.
Most of our talks are based on the Bible, but we try to bring in the needs of the Community with Speakers from The Samaritans, National Children's Home, Methodist Homes for the Aged and Lepra, etc. We also give these organisations our financial support. We also support Network Circuit Events.
In March of each year we join with the other churches in Somerton to organise and take part in the Women's World Day of Prayer Service. A very uplifting, yet humbling experience.
Many of our Members live alone and we feel this hour of Fellowship, away from life's tribulations in the middle of a busy week provides an oasis of support, friendship and a shared cup of tea!!
1994/5 celebrates the 17th year of the 1st Somerton Boys' Brigade Company. Formed in 1977 by Barry and Valerie King. Our numbers have kept fairly steady over the years and at one time we thought the Anchor Section would only have half a dozen boys, but our prayers have been answered and now we have a waiting list again!
Having a Junior Section Open Evening at the end of the Spring Session has been a great eye-opener for all who have come along to see what goes on at BB. It has been especially helpful to boys being promoted to the Junior Section from the Anchor Section, as they realise it really is just as much fun, even it if is a bit more hard work.
The Company Section had a great Adventure Holiday Camp at Lydney, Glos, last year, -when the week included activities such as abseiling, rock-climbing, caving, canoeing (and defending themselves against an attacking swan!!), raft building, walking, swimming - and dozens of other amusements! Five of the boys spent a night out rehearsing for the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award, and hopefully, this will be continued and gained during the coming few months. In July, the Company boys will be going away for a Canvas Camp this year with Chelmsford Company, to Wales , so again we pray for fine weather, as this always helps with a camp under canvas.
Many of our 'old' boys have kept in touch, and it is good to see Jamie Taylor and Matthew Shaw sharing in various events when they are home from University. We have also been blessed with many willing female helpers to help with the younger boys.
We hope that during the coming years, 1st Somerton Company of The Boys' Brigade will continue to serve and fulfil the Object: The advancement of Christ's Kingdom among boys and the promotion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline, self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.
Church Fellowship
The Church Fellowship meeting grew out of the'Home Fellowship' group, which started originally way back in the 70's, meeting in different people's houses for a time of bible study, discussion or listen to a speaker, etc.
Because the numbers at these meetings grew less and less, we decided to have a break and start afresh as the 'Church Fellowship', mainly meeting in the Cottage, hoping that the title would reach out to those who felt they couldn't offer their home, and encourage a wider age range. The first year we had a programme set out for the whole year, on the Guild idea, of one meeting a Fellowship night, one a Study night, and one a Social evening. The year went well, and at the end of '94 we started the group again ending with skittles, a week before Christmas.
However, 1995 being such a busy year with all the 150th Anniversary Celebrations and preparatory meetings we have decided to postpone any meetings until at least the end of the year. Hopefully, 1995/6 will see again a meeting for all ages, with a varied programme.
The circle began back in 1986, and consists of 12 people who pray for someone specifically. Each person contacts the next until the circle is complete. For a really urgent prayer request, the message is sent in both directions. Each member has a book to write the message in so that no-one is forgotten. The prayer request can come from anyone, about anyone who is in need of prayer, whether they are a Christian or not, or known personally or only through someone else.
The Youth Club
The present club is the newest of our organisations. It started at the end on 1994, mainly for the young people of the Anglican, United Reform and Methodist Churches , but is an open club. The leader is Alan Dixon. The club meets on Friday evenings in the Schoolroom from 8pm - 10pm for the 13-25 age group.
Somerton Methodist Church
150 Years
Wednesday May 17th 2.30pm
Circuit Easter Offering Service 10.30am
Sunday May 21st Rev. E. Mayes.
Family Lunch 2pm Dedication of
of Thomas Connock grave.
6.30pm Sing Sankey
Wednesday May 24th
7.00pm Circuit Rally
Rev. I. White / Rev. R. Heafield 10.30am
Sunday May 28th
David Sawyer
Costume Service 150 Years
2.30pm Street Party
6.30pm Celebrity Service
Saturday June 10th
Warehouse Dance with Refreshments
Sunday June 11th
Rev. 1. Penberthy
6.30pm Rev. I. Penberthy
Saturday September 16th
Harvest Supper and
Entertainment by members 10.30am
Sunday September 17th
10.30am Harvest Festival Rev. E. Jones
6.30pm Rev. E. Jones
May 21st-28th Methodist Museum - in the Cottage Mr A. Lukehurst