Blog Archive

And so to 2011
        It’s hard to take in that 16 years have passed since the 150th celebrations.  We ended 2010 with some of the coldest days on record.  Snow disrupted everyday life and commerce, but did not isolate Somerton.  Services of Worship continued, and the newly installed boilers did their job.  

The average congregation of 20/25 gets older, although for a few years we have been blessed with some younger people and their children.  Despite the years the Church fellowship remains active in organising charitable path sales, garden party, bazaar, summer cream teas, a bi-annual flower festival.
Increasingly joint services are taking place with the Somerton United Reform Church across the road from us.  A joint study* of the controversial book “The Shack” was led by both Ministers (Rev. Tim Richards and Rev. Ken Chalmers) during 2010.  Continuing organisations are Women’s Fellowship, Boys’ Brigade and Prayer Circle.  Bible Study * is arranged on an ad-hoc basis and our involvement with the Somerton Churches Together continues to grow and flourish.
Whilst there has been the closure of some groups we have been encouraged with the formation of others.

Church Holiday 1999
        The first holiday in 1999 has been followed up with several more since that time.  “The Park” a Christian hotel in Torquay, has been the venue for a group from Somerton, accompanied on occasions by others from around the town and from Street Methodist Church.